It was 1966 and I was a young boy of 11. On our small black and white tv I saw a film staring Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon called ” The Fortune Cookie. During the film Walter Matthau’s character bought Jack Lemon the latest “new car from Ford ” as he was laying in Hospital and as the camera panned down to outside the hospital window, there, parked in the street was a brand new 1966 Ford Mustang GT Fastback. Even at that age, I fell in love with that car with no sound or colour, just the shape and style. Fast forward to 1968 and the film Bullet staring Steve Mc Queen made the GT Fastback one of the most iconic and sought after Mustangs ever.
This particular 1966 Mustang Fastback left the factory in New Jersey in Jan 1966 and although I have no history to tell of during its life in the USA, having worked on the car since i bought it in 2021, I have discovered someone has gone to a lot of trouble and expense to improve it’s power and handling. These improvements include:
Global West full front suspension system, upgraded anti roll bar, export bar and Monti Carlo bar for stiff and improved handling. A rare Ford 4 speed manual transmission (90% were auto in 1966) with Hurst shifter. From drum brakes have been replaced with discs complete with twin master cylinder and power brake booster. Engine upgrades include Edelbrock inlet manifold, 4 Barrell Holly double pumper carburettor and twin points distributer. The exhaust manifold has been replaced with Flow master headers into a Flow- master twin exhaust system.